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Four ways to save on your income taxes part 2
The third way that President Trump is able to not pay income tax or as much as people feel he should is by investing and having his income…
Diary of a Remote RV investor Episode 32—What Buffalo?
As you can see by the picture, Blue Dog, also known as RV security, is rip roaring and ready to go after working hard in Jonesboro and ready for a break to go chase something or chew on new sticks.
Four ways to save on your personal income taxes, part 1
Some people are completely lost and cannot understand why a multi-billionaire like President Donald Trump doesn’t pay as much income taxes.
The Diary of a Remote RV Investor episode 31— not once but 3 times…
So, we finally got to leave Texas and on our way to Jonesboro, Arkansas and only get as far as Oklahoma City, when it happens again.
New year’s resolutions and financial planning for 2022
It’s 2022 and we have Google, Alexa and GPS systems to tell us just about anything we want to know, but those systems are only as good as the information they can connect with or as good as the question asked. You see if you ask the GPS system, how to become...
Private money lending and how to get it and become a private money lender
Start making money like the bank instead of giving it to the bank, be the bank! Private lending is one of the fastest growing ways individuals are finding financial freedom.
The diary of a remote RV investor-episode 30—It was like something out of a movie
I stay back at the RV in Shamrock, Texas and keep working while Kurt and Blue are driving over an hour one way to get to an alternator shope in Amarillo, Texas so they can rebuild ours.
The diary of a remote RV investor episode 29 get your kicks on route 66 or maybe not
So, what should’ve been only a 2-day trek to Jonesboro, AR turned into a whole week. Before we left Calrose, TX we were having some RV troubles.
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, we wanted to give you guys hope and courage, this holiday season, we want to stop and count our blessings.