That’s the great thing about building a good team. So we here at American Made Home Solutions has done just that. We have been focusing on key rental markets for 25 years. And in those key rental markets we identify certain neighborhoods and areas and such that work well for not just Multifamily, but also Single Family. So we oftentimes have investors that come to us and say, “Bethany, I would love to have rentals, but I can’t afford it. The average home price in my area is $500,000. I can barely afford the one I’m in.
And this is where we at American Made Home Solution and all those 25 years of knowledge get to help you. This is the outstanding amazing part of things. When you don’t know what you don’t know, but you team up with somebody who does know how that can exponentially be a blessing in your life. Let me show you. So in these other markets that we’re already in, whether it be Multifamily or Single family, oftentimes we will renovate properties and then turn around and put a tenant in there. We already have property management and what not in place. And then we can sell them directly to investors that want to purchase in these other markets where they can still get $1500-2000 a month rent. But their purchase point isn’t so expensive.
We’ve been telling people for years, live where you want to live, but invest where it makes sense. It doesn’t always make sense to invest in your backyard. But because of fear, many people only want to do that. So they put themselves on the sideline and they do nothing because they can’t see a way to get it done.

At American Made Home Solutions, we are out of the box thinkers. And so we strive to find a way to figure out a way to make something happen. So, for instance, we’ve even found ways for people with as little as $10,000 to start making double digit returns. I know people are like, that’s too simple, that’s not possible. It is possible with a great team like American Made Home Solutions!