For those who just enjoy being able to utilize their funds to do better than more things, one of the best things that we do is we teach people credit. A key part of Credit Hacking is understanding how credit works. How your finances work? It’s called Financial Literacy Education. In doing so, one of the best things that you can do is understand your credit. It doesn’t mean you need to necessarily go out and get any credit card. But what it does mean is that you learn to live within your means. You can still travel – is one of them. I love to travel. Actually, you can travel at the same time do some work, right? So it’s great because I get to go ahead and still accomplish the work that I need to get done.
I’ve also got to travel, see my friends to new areas, see new cultures and things. The fun in that is figuring out how to make the two together? So one of the quick easiest ways is we encourage folks to get a credit card.
For instance in our area, Alaska Airlines is a very big Airlines provider in our area. Their hubs up in our area. So give me an Alaska Airlines credit card and then utilizing it to do all of our monthly bills on. I still have to pay those bills. I’m not trying to get out of paying my bills, but I’m going to pay them with that card. Now, what am I doing? I’m just going to pay that part off every single month, or every paycheck, whenever I get paid, I still have to budget those bills. I still have to do that, but now I’m racking up the airline miles from the same time.
You can do the same thing with your gas. For instance, Costco. You have a business. You get a Costco card. Every time you get gas or anything, you get 4% back cashback, right? You can then take those earnings every single year. They give them to you. Ours is well, over a thousand dollars every single year and use that to pay for your travel or different things that you want to do. For instance, you get your free tickets from your Airlines. I’m going to use those funds to pay for food or excursions insides. Right?
Another way of getting free travel is one of the things I did earlier on, which is mystery shopping. A lot of hotels have mystery shops that they conduct to try encourage people to keep their accountability of and their customer service and such as they test it out. So, you can actually volunteer to be a mystery shopper. They’ll pay you to do this. Usually it’s a lot of times, the payment is in the form of Realtor State over actual amount of time. And you go out of simple report, take a few pictures, so it’s a great way to do that. We have the same thing. I set it up. I did restaurant audits, things of that nature. So, I can go take my family out to eat and then, was all be paid for by a third party. So it’s a great way to take advantage of that, as well as to be able to do some of the things like to do.
I know in some other parts of the country, for instance, Delta may have a hub near you. So you may not want to get an Alaska card, you may want to get a Delta card or Southwest. Oftentimes, if you have a business, you can rack up a lot of miles by simply running everything through that one card and then utilizing those perks to be able to travel for the business and the expenses are kept down. So it’s another way to be able to utilize that as well.