We talked last week about an investor, like American Made Home Solutions, who know exactly what their buying criteria is and where they want it to be so, it streamlines the process and makes it so much easier for you as an agent. The #4 reason agents love working with investors like American Made Home Solutions, we are pre-approved. Many times our offers are cash offers. So you don’t have to worry about an approval process. You don’t have to worry about whether their financing is going to come through. You don’t have to worry about that. We’re pre-approved and it’s taken care of.
Often times you can look forward to being paid sooner rather than later, because when an investor buys a property, they’re typically closing in 14 to 30 days, not 45 to 60 days. So it’s a much faster closing process. You often times don’t necessarily have to go through an appraisal. You might have an inspection period, you may not. Things are definitely streamlined and faster to say the least. So that is definitely the #4 reason why agents love working with American Made Home Solutions.
The #3 reason that agents love working with investors like American Made Home Solutions, how many of your clients actually buy more than one house from you? Not very many as probably your answer. The reason that is, is because they’re using you maybe as a buyer’s agent to buy their home, that they plan on living in for the next 20 years, or they’re using you to sell their home and they’re moving to a different area. So again, they don’t necessarily need you because they’re in a different area. Right?
So the nice part about working with investors is we buy multiple homes. We’re often buying two to four homes every single month in one market alone. And we have multiple markets that we work in. Yes. You heard me, right? So it’s a huge bonus to know that you have a client that if you do a great job with they’re going to keep coming back and keep coming back and keep coming back, because you’re going to keep finding what they need, because you know exactly what they need. You hone it in, you systemize the whole process and in doing so you just get paid, right? Because you know exactly what they’re looking for.
The nice part about that is it allows you again, flexibility. But many of you as agents oftentimes will struggle with cash flow. You might have three really great months in the summertime and then nothing in the wintertime. And then you have to balance that out. Well, the nice thing about American Made Home Solutions, is we buy all year long. We don’t wait for holidays. None of that matters for us because these aren’t homes that we’re necessarily living in or moving into. We know they’re going to need renovations. We know they’re going to need time. So that allows opportunities there that create a year round flow of income.If this sounds like you and you’re ready to learn more about working with an amazing team and creating year round cash flow, while having preapproved buyersclick here now!