Why would real estate agents want to work with investors? What’s in it for them? We’re showcasing the top five reasons agents want to work with investors like American Made Home Solutions. I know there’s actually a whole lot more than five, but we’re going to keep it short and brief so you can get right to the point.
Why do people become real estate agents? A lot of times it’s because they want the flexibility. They like the income potential with no cap. They like having a lot of flexibility and control. They like being their own boss, so to speak and setting their own schedule. There’s many, many reasons that agents become agents, click here to get my free report on 25 ways to make money in real estate. But what we’re finding across the board is that a lot of them aren’t given proper guidance and instruction for everything, from how to set up and run a business. They might be given information on how to sell a house, right or how to market a house, but that’s it. So they don’t necessarily know how to set up and run their business. They don’t have the know how to be an entrepreneur and in doing so, they don’t know how do I get Medicare or health insurance? How do I make a retirement account? How do I do all of this information?
They also, aren’t getting fully trained on how to necessarily market themselves in their community. A lot of times, as an agent, it looks great, right? We go, we get this training, we get our license. That’s a huge feat in and of itself. And then we’re thrown out to the wolves, so to speak. And what next?
So just like agents want flexibility. Investors need flexibility as well. And unfortunately, many brokerages try to teach agents that they have to get this buyer’s agreement and they have to get this and they have to get this and they have to get this. And that’s just not true. The nice thing about working with investors, the #5 reason is because investors know exactly what they’re looking for. They know how many beds, how many baths, what the price point is. They know what they want it to look like and what they don’t it to look like. How man of you have had a client who’s looking to buy their home and then you’d take them to 25 houses and none of them fit; “well, we’ll know it when we see it.” I’ve heard that one a lot from folks.
An investor, like American Made Home Solutions, knows exactly what their buying criteria is and where they want it to be, how they want it to look, that whole thing. So, it streamlines the process and makes it so much easier for you as an agent to utilize all the tools at your disposal, with your search engines, through your MLS’s, with your multiple resources of other agents with pocket listings and things, with having your market knowledge and being able to canvas an area, looking for a specific product, it makes your job that much easier.Stay tuned for next weeks article and the other 4 reasons. If you’re a take action kind of person and your ready to know more about working with an investor click here to get more info and we’ll look forward to making more money with you in 2021!