The top 5 reasons agents should work with investors like American Made Home Solutions part 4

by | May 25, 2021 | Blog

Now, obviously, if agents are sitting on their duff, not doing any work, that’s probably not going to be earning a paycheck, right? But many of you agents are very hard workers and you want what’s best for your family. You just don’t always know how to do that. So having an investor like American Made Home Solutions on your team, working with you, we’re able to help you accomplish your goals. With that being said, the referral side of it is amazing because many times when you do get a listing, they need a contractor to come in and do a repair because then an inspection got called upon, or they just need to spruce up something and they don’t know who to call or what. You are then able to reach out to us and say, “Hey, Bethany, we need some contractors. We need X, Y, and Z done. Do you have anyone available that can do this?”

At American Made Home Solutions we have teams of contractors readily available to meet all kinds of needs and at prices that are still reasonable and they’re not gouging. So it still enables the client to get the best deal, but also to get the work done in a timely fashion and still get good quality workmanship. All of our contractors are fully vetted, licensed, and bonded and do amazing work.  They stand behind their workmanship. They transfer that workmanship. So for instance, when we had a brand new roof put on a place, the place was sold. Six months later, when it started to rain, there ended up being a leak.

We were able to contact that roofer and let them know and they took immediate care of it. Because our contractors are upstanding, amazing contractors. And like I said, they do stand behind their workmanship. So none of this shoddy workmanship that you hear on the news and all that negative stuff. It’s not like that, but it’s a great resource, but it’s also a great resource on the referral side because we offer all of our agents full training. And what I mean by that, we teach them how to set up a business. How to set up an LLC, how to set up a retirement account, how to find healthcare and the best place to find it and the best price and what my family needs. How to provide for that retirement, how to budget and plan for that future. How to then get started in real estate investing when you have no money and no idea. We provide all of our team members with those tools, for anybody that wants it and continue to provide an opportunity for a path for success.

You see here at American Made Home Solutions, we’re not just about building our business. We’re about building America through creating sustainable growth. And to do that means we’re helping to build everybody else’s business right alongside ours. Because the more of us there are, and the strengthened we are, the stronger we are as a community. And that’s what we at American Made Home Solutions are looking to do, create a very strong community in each of the markets that we’re in. And that brings me to number one.

The number one reason that agents in particular wants to team up with American Made Home Solutions. Investors like us is honestly, it all comes down to money. Everybody wants money. Everybody needs money. Everybody likes money, right? Those of you who say you don’t, you’re lying. We all want to know that at the end of the day, our bills are getting paid and we’re taking care of. There’s money in the bank, and we don’t have to sweat it. But when you’re an entrepreneur, you’re your own business, you know, that stress is different than somebody who just gets up and goes to a job and punches a time timecard every day.

So we at American Made Home Solutions want to help relieve that stress for you as an agent. To do that, we want to team up with you. Now, the number one reason I said is because of money. Yes, it absolutely has to do with money. As agents have enjoyed throughout the years of partnering with us and they will fully attest to it. We are happy to give you numbers of agents that work with us. They get multiple paychecks from us, over and over and over and over again. And the longer they work with us, the easier it is, the less time that’s involved, the happier they become. At first, they want to learn exactly what it is we’re looking for. Once we know that, we become a well-oiled machine, they’re putting in multiple offers, they’re getting these offers accepted, they’re getting paid. Then when we renovate the properties, then we’re putting them back out. Those agents that have done a great job for us that have brought us deals, they get listings on the backside. Now they get paid again.

So even if they had to say, reduce their fee on the front side to make it work for the deal to go through, they got full listing rights on the backside. And so they could get anywhere between five to 6%, faithfully over and over and over again. And now if you think about the average home in a market, let’s just pick a market. If the average home in your market is say $300,000 and you’re 2%, well, if you’ve got 2% on the front side, there’s $6,000, and then you got 3% on the backside, there’s $9,000. You just got $15,000 from that one deal, right? That’s one. And then we do two or three each month. Let’s say we only do two or three more with you the rest of the year. Well, 15,000 times three, that’s 45,000 you’ve made off of one person, one client, right?

Those of our agents that are just kick butt go getters, right? They’re always out there looking and always finding, and know our niche and know what we work for and know what we’re looking for. Those agents are making a whole lot more money than that, because in some of our markets, obviously the price of the houses are a lot higher and so that 2% is a lot different. But it’s also, they’re able to gain more and more experience as grow and grow as agents themselves. So that when we have new construction deals, which we do, we can bring them on board. When we do condo conversions, when we’re doing multifamily and they decide they want to step up into the commercial world, we already have that established relationship with them and they become our go-to. So they absolutely love the opportunities that present themselves when working with us.

The other part about that is when we come across a property, because people come directly to us and that property, really they’re going to make more money by listing it. We’re recommending those agents. And now they’re getting a referral listing from us and it works both ways. So it’s an amazing, amazing way to grow your income with multiple repeat sales and transactions, to learn and grow as an individual, as a business owner, but also as a community and create that sustainable growth that we all want over and over so that everybody comes out a winner. Our community continues to go and grow and have strong sales.

We provide more inventory as all of you agents know, there is so little inventory out there right now, but especially in affordable housing, which is where American Made Home Solutions lives and breeds, is affordable housing. So with that being said, knowing that anytime you’ve got a buyer, who’s looking for that, we become your first go-to because we’ll have a property that you may not know about because we got it from a different agent and we’re going to be getting ready to sell it. Then you end up having a buyer and it becomes dream because you basically bring that to us. We’re able to work out a listing agreement. We literally list it for the one day and then off, it’s sold. That quick and that easy. And it makes it so much easier, so much less work for you guys, but it also provides stability and peace of mind.

When you have peace of mind, knowing that at the end of the day, you’re doing right by your community. You’re creating the income you need, both passively and actively, and you’re growing your business in a way that you’ll have a retirement set up. You’ll have health care. You have all your other needs met. It allows you to enjoy the flexibility that you have as an agent, just like we are in a beautiful setting. It’s amazing weather. I’m here in Palm Springs and back home, it is snowy and cold and very cold and much of the nation is snowy and cold. So the flexibility is huge because then you get to choose the life you desire. And that’s what we want. We want to create more happiness in this world by creating positive, sustainable growth, through amazing agents who want to continue to grow their business, as well as growing a community that they already love and want to stay in.

So if that’s you, you are definitely going to want to click the link  and check us out on our agents page. And when you do sign up to join our team, there’s an interview process, and we’ll be happy to explain it all, but you will be so glad that you did. If this reason is starting to give you a glimmer of hope of why you want to join a team like American Made Home Solutions, you’re going to want to click the link below that takes you to our agent page and learn more about us and how you can join an amazing team that provides stability and growth.

You’re going to want to click today because it’s always reaching out to others. And so our team is always growing and opportunity exists for those who are ready to snag it, when it’s available. Those agents that are always looking for that opportunity are going to want to click below. And when they do, they’re going to join an amazing team. We have teams all across this great nation. And so it doesn’t matter what market you’re in. We will definitely be able to find a place for you to work in your area, doing exactly what you already love to do and continue to find ways to make you successful.

We look forward to working with you and talking with you soon. Remember, you’re going to want to click the link below. Until next time, have a great day.

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