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See Relationships have Power. Power to build and power to destroy. Power to strengthen, encourage, and support or power to tear down, demean and control. And when we don’t recognize the power that they have, we kind of get toast to and thrown, and we can become very very lost.

So this time, I want to talk about that power and those relationships. So when you stop and you think about these things, and you think about your relationships, are your relationships building you up or tearing you down? Now this relationship could not be just in your family, this could not be your loved ones, this could not be your relationship as far as a significant other. This could be your work relationship. This could be your team. This could be a business relationship. This could be a neighbor.
Relationship is very very vague. So when you stop and you take a moment to look every single one of those relationship – stop for a moment. Think about one relationship, not all your relationship, just one, maybe the most meaningful relationship. Now recognize and ask yourself – are they building you up or tearing you down? Are they means of support and guidance and focus? Or they holding you back with fear and control and manipulation. Asking yourself those hard questions really determines if it’s a healthy and a good relationship or if it’s not. I want you to be able to harness the Power of Relationship.
But to do this, we have to be honest with ourselves. We have to recognize that relationships have value: it can be positive or negative, it can be good or bad. Right? But unless we only want good in our lives, we have to be willing to do a way with the bad, we have to be willing to purge or even recognize.