Can I ask you a question? Can we be real? Can we be honest for a moment? So many times, there’s things in life that it just feels like there’s so much dishonesty, and I just want to take a moment to be real and be honest.
Have you ever read a book? And they describe everything with such detail so that you can create a picture on your mind of what that character looks like, what their personality is, it draws you in – a good author does a great job at that. Many times when we encounter people in our lives, I think we become so fast-paced in our society, we forgotten the skill and art of recognizing people and truly seeing people from who they are. So today, we’re going to talk about the Power of Relationships.

Do you ever get lost? Alright. Be honest, now’s your chance. Or you can say No – some people may have gone through their entire life and never felt lost, and that’s okay. Those of us that are honest with ourselves, we’ve had moments – it may not have been that we were lost trying to find grandma’s house. But may have been simply that we were lost maybe when we have gone off trail when we were hiking. Not naming any names here. Or could’ve been when we were in a new neighborhood and we were following directions to a friend’s house. It could’ve been a scenario when you just feel lost and didn’t know why you were here on this planet, and what you’re doing and where you’re going with your life. It can be metaphorical or it can be very realistic.
When we have those moment of lost, we have to stop and ask ourselves, what are the things that center us or bring focus back to our lives, or redirect us so that we know what direction we are going? Many times, we don’t realize that’s the Power of Relationships.