Well my adventures never stopped, we just made some team changes so we paused a few things and now we are restarting them back again. Are you ready? If not, buckle up because it is going to get bumpy.
Warning, turbulence ahead!
Have you ever noticed that whenever you take a stand, decide to do something, and get busy getting it done, how many others who never took an interest suddenly do? Yes they seem to crawl out of the woodworks with their opinions and skepticism, as if they were the expert on whatever it is you are doing.
If you are like me, busy building a business, very few of them are entrepreneurs, they just know what they know, and it is very little about building a business.
I took this picture, when I was at a really low point, no support from family or friends, which is pretty normal, but even the 1 or 2 was attacking me at that point as well. I was struggling in my relationships, struggling with some really hard decisions in the business, struggling with the consequences of some of my decisions and wondering what the “Go forward plan” now looked like.
I needed to remind myself, that there is a whole world out there, many of whom are business owners, many have been through my struggles, and many can relate to me. It was God’s way of showing me that people are like elevators, they either bring you up or they take you down, and when no one else is in the elevator, you are the one who determines if you will go up or down.
We want our family and friends to understand and relate, but the fact is they just can’t. So some times that means we have to find new friends. Family you are stuck with, but maybe you just avoid topics that they bring no value to or cause fights.
I have been in commercial real estate for so long and it is predominantly a male world, that I had forgotten there was more women in the field than ever before. So I joined CREW, commercial real estate women of Seattle. No I didn’t immediately make new friends, but I definitely found much more common ground and ways that we could help each other out. Although we come from a variety of sectors in the field, it is so great to engage in meaningful conversations. Kind of like when I was busy raising kids, and I just needed to be around other moms who understood the struggle.
It is great to find a place where I can be myself and not be put down or looked down upon. We all need that, so if you haven’t found that the world is at your fingertips, maybe it is because you need to find a new group? What interests do you have? Meetup.com is a great place to just start. Years ago I found a hiking group and a gardening group, then a Christian mom’s group. You might be surprised with what you find.
But let’s shake off the horrible 2020 past and get back out there to meeting new and interesting folks. The world is a really big place, come explore it with us!.