As we travel along this great country, we get the pleasure to meet some amazing folks. Even in the business world we get to meet some clear overcomers, so when we started walking this Rv park as a potential property to buy, we were not surprised to find that the owners were amazing people. They have raised their family in this park while turning it around. They have helped the community by rescuing strangers from sleeping in cars and parked along the road, or just helped those in need. They truly understand the meaning behind doing unto others as you would have them do to you.
Even their kids are firefighters/EMts, sheriff, teachers, etc. They are ambitious and highly talented. But often people forget why that might be. You see this park is kind of a in remote area. They needed to learn to work together not just as a family but as a community. Somewhere along the way, society has forgotten that it is exactly what made our country great! People of doesn’t opinions coming along side one another for a common goal. Striving and working not sitting around being lazy, but actually showing up to do work and making a difference because of it. Even enjoying the fellowship that it brought. Â

This family built an indoor greenhouse where the guests of the park could come in the evening and get the veggies for their salads or just sit and visit with one another. It was a very conscientious thing that we rarely see much of these days. Maybe when you see the pic it will inspire you to get creative, get busy, and start fellowshipping again with folks outside of your own home. Life is meant to be enjoyed, but sometimes it’s meant for work to accomplish something together, then enjoy the fruits.
Until the next adventure!!