So good pet owners need to be constantly vigilant when travelling with a pet, so it doesn’t get any fellow travelling buddies like fleas and ticks or burrs. Have you ever thought about the shower in an RV? Very few ever have a tub. How many dogs do you know that will stand under a running shower? Yes, as you can imagine very few are willing to.
When you are boon docking, you are only using your own resources. So, for us it means only the water we brought with us. So, as we were nearing the end of our water supply you have to start picking and choosing your priorities. So, when your dog gets all stinky and nasty you have to decide how big a priority fresh air or stinky dog all over your carpets is.
Even in the summertime, the rivers in the Pacific NW can be pretty chilly. But by my way of thinking, it’s better than sacrificing all my carpets and smelling nasty dog for days on end. So down to the river Blue went to get washed. He thought he was going to just play fetch, but when we saw him start shivering, we knew we needed to get down to business. So, I tossed Kurt the shampoo and he got busy scrubbing. Yes, Kurt was in the river with him, but it is his dog, and I did help hand him the bottle 😉

Poor Blue was shivering and sopping, so I had to run him back to help him dry off, Kurt just turned the heater on his feet. But it got the job done and we had the water we needed for more important things. If you can’t learn to think outside of the box, you will miss many adventures that life has to offer. Just like we can’t get Blue to let anyone cut his nails now since he had a bad experience with it. So, we take him out on the concrete and make him do sprints to wear them down. Don’t worry we make sure and give him aspirin for his arthritis, but he just loves it.
So much about being remote is way outside of the box, but that is half of the adventure. Breaking free from seeming expectations or boundaries set by other people. Learning what it is that truly brings you alive and going after it. For us it has definitely been a season of discovery and for that we are thankful.
Now onto the next adventure, with a much better smelling Blue dog!