What do you get when you cross a 2 inch by 10 in by 10 ft long board and a site visit from the boss?
A concussion for the boss and a test of grace….

We were one our way to a bible conference and we stopped off at one of the projects. Kurt had just seen the painters lean a 2 inch by 10 inches by 10 ft long board up against the garage door. Then he walked away to grab something. He came back to the board and was bracing it to do something with it, when Kurt extended his hand to shake his hand.
Needless to say, the contractor let go of the board to shake Kurt’s hand and it fell smack down in the middle of Kurt’s head. I was inside doing something and just heard all the commotion outside and was coming to see when the door opened, and Kurt was coming in with a worried looking painter behind him. He speedily told me what had happened while I was helping Kurt to sit down. I directed him to get Kurt some water, so he would quit hovering and I would be able to take a look. Kurt had an almost 2-inch dent in his forehead where the board hit, and he had all the signs of a concussion. So, I informed him we were heading to the hospital.
On the way, I told him that if he would have simply gone in the night before to get his tetanus shot then God probably wouldn’t need to have him get hit in the head with the board to make him go get one. You see the night before, when I was in the ER because I got bit by what they think was a black widow and had to have steroids and a bunch of fluids and antibiotics flushed through me, he called to tell me he had just put a drill bit all the way through his thumb. I had him send me a pic and sure enough it went clean through the nail and muscle just missing the bone. I suggested he should go get a tetanus shot as it had been a long time since the last one, he had. But you know guys, put a bunch of black electrical tape on it and call it good.

So, since I had to go cover for him the next 2 weeks at the sites, I made sure to wear the shirt you see in the pic. It says, “why you all trying to test the Jesus in me.?” I reminded the team that accidents happen, but if they don’t want to have me on site, they better stop knocking Kurt around. After having his first concussion, Kurt suddenly had more empathy for the 3 back-to-back ones I had. Now we are just praying that he learned his lesson and doesn’t need 2 more to keep up with me 😉
We are almost finished with all the Deltona properties and so we are gearing up to move to the newest property in Arkansas.