Have you ever read a book? Most everyone should be able to answer yes to that, but have you ever read a book that changed you, or felt like the author was talking about you and your life, or been so caught up in a good book that you couldn’t put it down? I learned early on that books were a way to escape. Unless most kids of my generation, I did not really grow up with TV. I only saw 3 movies before my senior year of high school either in a theater or at a drive in. We were always rallying kids to go play kick the can, or sardines, or explore a new swamp or wooded area. We grew up leaving the house first thing in the morning and we better be back home before the streetlights kicked on or we were busted.
Life seemed easier then, if it was a crummy day out, we would gather for games at someone’s house or we would walk, yup use our natural energy or later bike, to the library and find some new books. I used to love curling up in a bean bag the library used to have, later I would find myself curling up in a corner or under a bed, so I would not have to do chores. I was still a kid like everyone else and who has ever liked doing chores ☹
I have read hundreds of books, some good, some great, some bad, and some only ok. Some that changed me and helped me grow, like Who not How by Dan Sullivan. Some that helped me escape or deal with some hard time I was going through. I read a lot of what I call fluff books during surgery recoveries. You know the ones that you know always have a happy ending and good always wins over evil. I tried reading the Lord of the ring series when I was a kid, and absolutely hated it, “my precious, my precious.” I though it was the stupidest book ever, but my brother and most of the gang loved it. We all have different likes and sometimes it depends on the seasons of life we are in.
As I grew as a reader, I also became a writer and started winning contests back in the 4th grade, essays, poems, short stories, etc. I always wanted to write a book but didn’t fully finish any of them. You see writing a book takes a tremendous amount of time, energy and focus. So, I greatly admire, those who have done the hard work to finish a book, then done the painstaking work of edits and rewrites, those just about kill me. What once started out being your baby has turned into this thing you are so sick of by the time its done, that you never want to see it again. Then you recover from all that hard work and can finally appreciate it again.
The top picture is of Bill Allen, the author of the 7 Figure Flipping Underground. A great book on getting started and building a business not just creating another job. I got the tremendous opportunity to meet him and see that he truly has lived out what he wrote about. He has learned to create the lifestyle he wants by making a plan and working that plan. He too is an impact investor who values giving back to the community and creating sustainable growth. So if you haven’t read this book, I would highly encourage it if you are interested in real estate investing. If you are interested in other topics for entrepreneurs, self-help, great novels, historical fiction, etc. and would like to see our book list, simply reach out to us info@americanmadehomesolutions.com and ask us to send it to you. A good variety of books from great authors you may or may not have heard about.

The 2nd picture is with my friend Esther Min who we finally got to meet in person after almost 9 months of zoom calls together. It is always more fun to meet in person than on zoom, but even better when she’s a bookworm like me 😉 Well it looks like it is time to pack up and head out, so I better get back to it, or all kinds of things will be broken in transit. Until the next adventure!