T-E-A-M Notice how there is no I. That’s for good reason. I doesn’t exist without others. We may call ourselves independent but could not live without others. We need doctors and nurses to help us when we are sick or injured. We need teachers to help us learn, coaches to help us improve or be more successful. We need police officers to keep order, fire fighters to put out the fires, EMTs to help us in emergencies, employees in a grocery store to provide us groceries, truck drivers to bring us food and goods, farmers to grow the crops, manufacturers to turn them into goods and on and on it goes. We need other people to survive even if we are a family of 1.
Many employees may not think that business owners need a team, but they most certainly do. The best businesses work in harmony with their teams that’s why I created the acrostic

You see as we travel around this great big country, we have found that most people want to be a part of something bigger than themselves and want to make a difference in this world for the time they are here. We can best accomplish that when we assess ourselves and see where we might fit in. Are we leaders or followers? Are we open to working with others or simply want to do our own thing and hope it works out? What skills do we have, or could we learn? What brings us joy?

These pictures are of some of our teams, some with new friends and some with old friends. Whether it’s taking time to download and process what’s working or not or gather around the table to brainstorm. We always look forward to these times with our teams, learning and growing together. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes there is “heated fellowship” when someone dropped the ball and let the team down or feels very strongly that a different decision should be made and that’s ok. It’s all part of the process living and working together to make a difference in this world for the time we have.
There has been so much divisiveness, anger and hatred even amongst family that folks seem to have forgotten that it is our differences that strengthen us and allow us to do more. When we remember that and allow others to agree to disagree, show respect and kindness, it in turn allows all of us to grow.
So, to all our teams all across this globe, thank you! Thank you for being you, thank you for being willing to show up to work and work to make a difference. Thank you for blessing others with your work. We all appreciate you!