Everything is better when there’s community and collaboration, but many of us take that for granted. For instance, we forget that we live in a community neighborhood full of people. Often times our children know each other and we may know each other, but we aren’t necessarily communing with one another until something arises.
Maybe it’s a bad thing. One of your kids is hospitalised and the neighbors are bringing meals to you. Or maybe there was a death in the family and your neighbours are reaching out to you or your church family is wanting to help and support by helping transport the kids or run errands. Usually it’s not a time of celebration that brings us together, but often times those are the times we overlook. For when we celebrate in the good times and the bad times, that is when we grow as individuals and our relationships grow.

The picture up above is an organization called “Resident Relief.” Now they are standing there holding then an amazing check that was donated to them, but it wasn’t donated by
American Made Home Solutions. This check, in fact, was donated by all of us at the Intelligent Investors Real Estate Conference. The folks that put the conference on knew they wanted to have a give back component to all that they were doing. So instead of them just doing it by themselves, they invited all of us as a community to come together. And by doing so, it was a much bigger blessing to this organization than they ever would have dreamed or would have been possible with just the founders doing it.
This is often the case that we find on all of our multi-family communities. When we look at our community as a whole, it’s not just a building and it’s not just rent rolls. It’s actual people, families, lives that not only do we have the opportunity to impact, but they also have the opportunity to impact us.
Resident Relief is a fabulous 501(C)(3) non-profit organization that is helping residents with housing assistance needs. Although this particular group isn’t one that we have worked with, up to this point. We work with a multitude of other groups based on the community needs. For instance, if our community has a large group of veterans, we will work with groups that directly benefit veterans groups. If our property is in an area where sex trafficking is a huge issue, we will work specifically with groups to put an end to sex trafficking like Underground Operation Railroad or the Tim Tebow Foundation. If it’s an area where aged out foster care kids find themselves homeless because they’ve turned 18 and yet they haven’t graduated, we will work with organizations that will actually help and benefit that specific group because we know that’s what our community needs. We also know that by doing so, we’re able to be a blessing not just to our community, but they’re able to bless us. You see, many times what happens is we invite our residents to come onboard with us just like they did at this Intelligent Investors Real Estate Conference. Then when we see the much larger impact we have all been able to make by working together, it truly blesses us.
We provide opportunities through a multitude of ways for the residents to partner up with us, and it goes so much further. So then each month when we’re able to report to them,
three people got saved out of sex trafficking or seven people got saved out of sex trafficking, or three families were helped with housing needs this month, or three families were able to
transition out of homelessness this month. Whatever the benefit is, they’re now able to commune with us in that opportunity, and in doing so, it creates an open environment for collaboration.
When your community has an open environment for collaboration and people are allowed to be vulnerable and let down their walls because they feel safe, they feel that they are cared about and they feel valued. it creates a whole different atmosphere on that community. When you have neighbors that are willing to watch out for other neighbors, it’s a safer community. You guys remember, it if you’re old enough, we used to all be able to run the neighborhoods all day until the lights came on. When the streetlights came on, we had to be in the house or we were busted. And if it wasn’t, our mom busting us, it was somebody else’s mom. And they were on the phone calling our mom. So those kinds of accountability pieces allowed a community to help one another out. So the same is true in a community of apartments or mobile home park. When someone has a new baby or a serviceman who has been deployed for a long time is coming home, the community comes together to help out with babysitting or meals, or much needed time together. It’s the same thing when they are able to help one another out and be a blessing, then it invites that opportunity commune, it lets down the walls, and then we all grow as individuals.
When we are able to recognize our own gifts and talents and see what we’re able to bless someone else then in turn, we are the ones that ultimately get blessed. It’s absolutely amazing to me. Every single time I seek to try to bless somebody else, I end up getting more of a blessing than they did. And they may not think that way, but I certainly do.
So if you are interested in learning how you can be a part of an investment that is empowering our nation with a hand up instead of a hand out and be a part of something much bigger than yourself, then you need to click here to sign up for more information.
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you white list our Email. All of the algorithms are changing, and my long time friends that I’ve communicated by email for so long are now getting my emails that I just sent two days
ago into their spam folder. And it has nothing to do with the fact other than they never whitelisted it before. Google did some update and things changed. So just make sure you whitelist info@Americanmadehomesolutions.com. When you do, that will ensure that you get all of the emails directly sent to you and you too can be a part of being a blessing and making a far greater impact because you’re communing with a much bigger community that’s making worlds of difference to hundreds of families all across our great country.