A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y It’s a long word, but it’s such a meaningful and powerful action that can change people’s lives. You see ever since I was in foster care as a kid I started working with mentors or coaches. Then whenever we moved to a new area, I would find new ones, because we didn’t have zoom then 😉 They weren’t always the same kinds of coaches or mentors, it would depend on the season I was going through in my life. For instance, when I was newly married, I spent a lot of time with a godly woman who had been married a very long time and both seemed very happy. When I started having kids, I reached out to another godly woman who had already been through that stage and sought out her wisdom. In business, when I was venturing out into a new area of the business, I would seek out coaches that had already excelled in that.
Always though, I had to be willing to be held accountable. I knew myself and I knew that if I didn’t have to answer to someone about whether or not I did it, I was not going to get it done. No one likes accountability, including me, but it’s necessary for growth. When you have to look someone in the eye and tell them if you got your list done or not, it changes things for you. Sure, you could lie, but then there is no growth, and the relationship will soon wane. So, whether I am getting on a phone call or getting together in person, it might be once a week, or once every 2 weeks, but it is regular and often enough to help me create good or better habits.
Sometimes I have groups that I hold myself accountable to because we are all working to accomplish the same things, other times it is an individual person. This year was especially great because I got to meet in person some of the members of my women’s mastermind, in this photo you see me and Natalie Teramoto. The first photo is of one of my accountability partners, Suzy Sevier, who has been living in England this whole time. So it was very exciting to be able to finally meet in person at the IIREC event in Los Angeles. With all of her travels and mine, we have been trying for quite a while, but it never worked out.

Someone reminded me of a quote that said, “life is not about the destination but about the journey” and I would add the people who come along with us. When we are willing to be vulnerable and honest with someone else and they respect that relationship, they also get blessed from it and you both get to grow. With that being said I better get back to my accountability tasks and get my videos done, YouTube won’t wait any more 😉