Thanks to Covid, one thing is for sure, there are far more virtual meetings than ever before, but with that being said. One of my mastermind groups was finally doing an in person event and I was ready to get back to having in person conversations with folks we had never met before and ones we were already doing business with.
So I jumped on a plane and headed to the Intelligent Investor Real Estate Conference, IIREC, hosted by Hunter Thompson in Los Angeles, CA. Hunter does a great job putting on quality events and this was for seasoned investors as well as our Raisemasters mastermind group. It was fantastic to see and meet folks that we have been meeting twice a month with and some of our team members who have saved our bacon a time or two.
This first picture is of me and one of our team members Jason Wright, with Intentionally Inspirational Marketing, we had to spend a couple months going back and forth with Active Campaign because they put me in their “jail”. They literally could not believe that after 25 years in business my contact list would be at 5,000 people. So they made me produce all my sign up sheets and opt in forms that we used for the last 5 years before we converted to their system. Then they still wouldn’t accept it and Jason had to come to our rescue. That’s the problem when you allow bots to run the world, sometimes you still need humans to check the work or make judgement calls. Thankfully, Jason saved the day and fixed their broken system. So we were ecstatic to meet him in person, even if he’s a foot taller than me 😉

For any of you that have ever attended a 3 or 4 day conference you know it is exhausting. You are already messed up with the time zone change, then you often are up 5 am to midnight most every day, and you aren’t always eating or drinking regularly, so you feel it when you get home. Those of us veterans have learned that if we have to sit in a conference room all day, we need exercise.
So the 2nd picture is those of us veterans who woke up early to exercise by taking a walk to the beach each day. It’s a great way to network and exercise at the same time and check out the local area. Here we hiked down to the manhattan beach pier about 2 or 3 miles from our hotel. The first day was more fun as the 2nd day felt more like work, you know those days you have to push yourself to show up, but then we all celebrated with a good breakfast and great connections so that made it worth it.;-)

I always try to end a conference with something fun. Something to reward myself for putting in all the hard work to get there, and keep up, and then implement. So this time was no exception. I scheduled a massage to work out all those kinked muscles, unfortunately I did not know there was a difference between Swedish and Thai massage. Let’s just say my hip doctor was not too happy. But the rest of my muscles felt great! Those of you looking for a relaxing massage, stick to swedish with hot stones and you’ll be good.
Now to hit the road!