I know this may be shocking to you but it’s true. Things that you see on TV are not always real, in fact much of it is made up for TV, meaning fake. But our eyes can be powerful deceivers. We see something therefore we think it is automatically real and unless we actively counteract those thoughts we will accept them. Take for example the above picture with this dinosaur. We know that dinosaurs existed and may even still exist today, but how likely is it that there is one on display in a cage that visitors can go to today?
Yes it is pretty unlikely, yet this dinosaur that we saw at Universal Studios, was amazing. It was fully robotic so it moved and acted like a real creature, even blinking and tilting it’s head when you talked to it or respond to you if you wanted to try to feed it. Yet although this picture looks so real, it was not. It was amazing to see all the special effects that the studios are able to do now to make things look even more real. While this makes for great movies or entertaining experiences, it also can be very disconcerting or even traumatizing to some.
It seemed to be common sense that everyone knew TV was fake, now only about half of the folks seem to think TV is fake and will argue to the death to prove to you everything they are seeing on TV is real and true. As kids our parents didn’t allow us to watch much of anything at night because it was inappropriate for kids to watch and would cause us bad dreams, or was just inappropriate. This was what allowed us to be kids and just enjoy life without the horrors of wars, horrific evils that are happening around the world, and stress filled drama that occurs in adult issues, to consume our thoughts or actions. Our innocence was protected and the joy and freedom of stress could be pushed off until we were older and more able to appropriately deal with it. Unfortunately, now we see parents who see no value in protecting their children or their innocence, simply because they want to watch it therefore they don’t care what their kids do as long as they get to watch their show.

It was unfortunate to see so many kids not be able to enjoy the magic of the movies at universal studios because they were convinced that the dinosaurs were real and were going to eat them like in the movies, or the transformers like you see in this picture who are absolutely massive, like 20 feet, and they were going to “zap” them.
Don’t get me wrong, there are some things on TV that are real, or based on real people or events. But it is absolutely crucial that as technology advances we all continue to prioritize and reprioritize our minds so that we don’t become desensitized to real life because it’s not like on TV. That we spend more time interacting with real humans and experiencing life “as it is” not made for TV, than we do watching whatever is put out on TV to fill our time. That is definitely one thing that we are experiencing with our RV life, freedom from the temptation to fill our spare time with TV time, and plenty of folks to live life who remember what a joy it is to interact with humans more than TV. I’m very thankful we have all the amazing technology and cinematronics that we do so when we want to sit and watch a great movie it looks amazing, but I’m also thankful that we are also getting to do many more things, we thought we didn’t have time for but now with no TV have time for 😉
Now while Kurt gets to stay in Orlando, Florida, I’ll be flying across the country to Los Angeles, CA. This will be the first time flying in almost a year and a half.