So how do you get your mail while you are on the road so much? Many people do not understand how a remote business works, so we often get asked, how do you get your mail. This is how. We have multiple offices across the country so we are able to retrieve our mail throughout the year by stopping in when it works on our schedule, or having someone check it for us and let us know if anything is urgent or not. This has actually been a huge blessing, because what we find is that much of the junk mail has mysteriously stopped coming. This is a picture of our main office in Crestview, Florida.
We still have our Washington State location and an Arkansas location so pretty much through out the whole year we can always get our mail. The only challenge has been when we need to get packages shipped to us right away. Then we are using general delivery or an amazon locker or one of our onsite locations. We have worked hard to switch over to paperless solutions as well, this helps to eliminate the need for a bulky filing cabinet, which I love. We just had to upgrade to a 2 TB external drive to back everything up to, and make sure things are labeled correctly. Nothing worse than looking to find a document called sept 2021 statement Lowes and all you have is 2021-365 or some other seemingly random number in a sea of 10,000 documents.

It is always great to see our regular mail people, but it is also great to see the new ones in all our different locations. Then the next question is always “oh you have been gone awhile, were you on vacation?” Then we get a chance to talk about our business so it’s a wonderful opportunity for us each time we check the mail.
Florida is just like any state it has various terrains in each part of it. So you may have the swampy area or the beautiful beaches ,like you see in this picture. Each one has it’s own special draw for us and we are just thoroughly enjoying exploring as many as we can. So with the mail checked and a check in with this area’s team, we are on the road again.