One of the things that has always been incredibly powerful in our business is being a part of coaching programs or masterminds with like minded individuals. One of them that we joined at the beginning of the transition to RV investing was the Kingdom Real Estate Investing group or KREI. This is a powerhouse of Christian investors that are doing amazing things not only with real estate but also in the kingdom of Christ. The picture you see is one of our powerhouse married couples that teamed up with us and worked endlessly and to learn new things, push through severe opposition, and get through to the otherside. Pete and Tabitha Vanderveen had a wide array of experience in areas that complemented ours and were willing to learn and jump in. While we learned and built our systems to take down bigger deals in new markets.
This connection would never have taken place had we not gotten out to a storybranding workshop in San Diego and were completely open and honest during that workshop and worked together, to help each other become better. That connection also would have never taken place, if the founder of the KREI mastermind group hadn’t started a podcast, that I listened to, then I inquired about, then we had more discussions about. He had a bigger vision and put into plan then into reality a way to get it done. Not all masterminds are the same, not all masterminds run the same way, nor are they working to accomplish the same goals, so we have found that for different seasons of our lives and businesses we are involved with different ones.
The second picture you see is the founder Ellis Hammond, who believes we are all one connection away from something great happening. He saw the need for me to be the first woman to enter this mastermind and then break through some of those barriers that often prevent women from joining and it has been fantastic ever since. If you are a Christian real estate investor whether active or passive and you are looking to connect with like minded individuals, I would encourage you to check out our group, when you do, just tell Ellis, Bethany sent you. You won’t regret it! I will look forward to connecting with you and seeing the amazing things God does in us and through us and through you as well!