Welcome to Denver! We finally made it, a little more frazzled than we would have liked and definitely late for dinner 🙁 My stepmom Penny lives there and we always enjoy getting to spend time with her. We were unable to locate parking in a RV park again, this clearly is showing us we need to build more of them across America and we will, so thankfully the church was willing to let us park in a corner of their parking lot. We were looking forward to getting out and doing some hiking around the Rockies with them, but it was not meant to be. The weather was stormy and windy the whole time, which is really tough on my hips, so we just knuckled down worked during the day and spent the evenings playing games, and catching up with everyone.
My stepmom, Penny, hosts exchange students for the school year and so we always get to meet new folks when we come to visit. Her student that she had this time was a fantastic multitasker. She would do her homework on her tablet, while still playing the games and often winning. Penny is always trying to get me to learn how to play cribbage, but I have yet to do so. We taught them how to play Farkle, and they taught me how to play up the river, or maybe it was down the river. Now that I think about it, I can’t quite remember the name but it had to do with river and cards. We tried to connect up with some of our other investor friends, but they ended up getting Covid, so we just made plans to work it out next time.

We did, however, get to do some great drives on our explorations and one of them was to this area just outside of Denver. So because Denver is so close to the Rocky mountains, it is located near several fault lines. If you follow the Rockies all the way down to Mexico you will see what you see in our picture above. These gorgeous red rock the just sticks out at all angles in some places even forming ridges. It’s quite stunning to see in person and doesn’t really come across that well in these pics, but it is worth seeing if you get the chance.
We couldn’t wait for the weather to clear and just needed to hit the road if we were to make it to our family reunion in Oregon. So we said our goodbyes and headed for continental divide, Wyoming, and Idaho!