The lone star state here we come! Well, we hit the road again, got just over the mountains outside of San Diego into Arizona, and looked back and saw our brakes were on fire. Yup, they were literally on fire and sure enough smoke started coming in the RV. We got to a rest area and were able to pull in so that we could let them cool off, only to see that they were completely roasted. So, we got to call around and find the nearest mechanic who would either come to the rest area or could tow us to their shop. We found the nearest one was 80 miles away in Yuma. We described our situation to the mechanic, and we all decided it would be ok to drive to his shop. Once we got there, he went to work trying to locate the exact parts he would need and allowed us to park near his shop overnight while we waited for them to come in.
He did a fantastic job, much to the detriment of our bank account, and we were back on the road heading to the lone star state. Our nephew is serving in the army at Ft Bliss in El Paso, Tx so we always make sure to try and get some time with him. Thankfully we were able to catch him with some time off. It is always fun getting to know our nieces and nephews that are no longer kids, but grown adults now, and see how they have changed. I come from a family of 13 and it is fun to see how many traits of my siblings their offspring have and remind them of it. It is also such a blessing to see how my siblings have overcome many things and gone on to be good parents. I’m very proud of each of them.
While we have many areas of Texas that we like, El Paso is not necessarily one of them. We are having fun exploring this very large state, but El Paso is like a giant dust bowl. We generally are not desert fans; we like green trees and plants and not constantly windy areas. It seems like the wind is always blowing in El Paso. We try to help our nephew experience life and take him out for Hawaiian BBQ, but apparently Texans don’t have a clue what that is. The restaurant we took him to had terribly small portions and the food was rubbery and flavorless, not a great example of good Hawaiian food. We assured him to try it again another time, that this was a poor example, so hopefully he will.

If you know of a great example of good food, be sure to let us know, so we can add it to our USA tour. So far, we have decided to try different BBQ’s in all the different areas. It is amazing how different they truly are. Now it’s off to greener and prettier areas!