Many of us have thought about our retirement, what we want that retirement to look like, but we don’t
always attach a number to that. What is the price tag of that retirement lifestyle? Do we want to have a home that we own free and clear? Do we want to be able to travel? Do we want to be able to have multiple homes? Maybe have a home here and a home in the south and bounce back and forth between the two? What does the price tag look like for what we want our retirement to look like? We don’t always know that because we don’t take the time. But when we do take the time, then it’s almost disheartening because we realize the number is nowhere near the number that we have in our retirement account.
Many Americans are sadly disappointed when they do qualify for retirement, only to realize they have to take a second job because they can’t afford to live off of that. Because it wasn’t the number they had planned for, and it’s usually because they didn’t make a plan. So we here at American Made Home Solutions really work to help you set up and figure out what is that plan for your retirement look like? Once we figure out that number, we plug all your information into our system. And in doing so, the computer and all the algorithms are working together to find ways to save you even more money. So you’re not paying out all this money in interest, and in turn you can turn around and then invest that money into your retirement when you do. Now, instead of paying hundreds of thousands of dollars on an interest for your mortgage to a lender, that’s hundreds of thousands of dollars that you can invest in your retirement. Savvy investors who partner with us here at American Made Home Solutions in real estate investments that are getting double digit returns, sometimes 15 to 20% return on our money.
So if I have $200,000 that I’ve saved in interest that I’ve invested at 20% interest annually, I more than have enough money to be able to retire and I can live off the interest alone and never
have to touch that principal. Only if I’m not outliving my retirement, which so many Americans are doing today.

So if that’s you and you’re thinking about your retirement and realizing you don’t have as much funds in there as you’re going to need. Click on the link here to set up a free
appointment where we will talk with you about your finances. We will show you ways that we can help you coordinate and make a plan to save for that retirement.
But in doing so you can save you money that in turn you could then invest in retirement and your retirement can outlive you! Then you can pass it on as an inheritance or a legacy to your
loved ones. Isn’t that our dream? Isn’t that the American way, to leave the next generation better off?We all want to be able to retire and enjoy our life and do whatever we want. But we also want to be able to pass on a legacy to our loved ones. So if that’s you, click on the link here and set up the time. It’s 100% free. We’d be happy to talk with you.