Start making money like the bank instead of giving it to the bank, be the bank! Private lending is one of the fastest growing ways individuals are finding financial freedom. We have taught many folks how to take advantage of this very profitable tool to creating passive income without having to go make more money. It’s when we teach our money how to work for us, go out and get friends, then bring those friends home, and rinse and repeat.
People don’t realize what it means to be a private money lender or what it means to be the bank or even some times what it means to invest in real estate. They just assume that means they go down the road, they buy a rental, they do all the work, and now that’s how they invest in real estate. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. American Made Home Solution is here working in our communities. One of the ways that we’re working in our communities is educating people. As a teacher for so many years, education is at the heart of who I am. One of the things that has always baffled and mystified people for the longest time is money. They either never have enough, they don’t know how to keep it, or they don’t know how to make more of it.
Those are all overcomeable things, but it takes not listening to social media, not focusing on the news and not listening to your friends who also don’t have any money, can’t keep it and don’t know how to make anymore. Oftentimes the information is only being put out there by banks and banks are only putting out information that makes them money. So it doesn’t help you necessarily get ahead. So one of the things that we do is we teach people how to become private money lenders. But they say, Bethany, I don’t have any money. How can I be a private money lender? And this is where we show people. Many times people don’t realize that they have money. For instance, they have money in their house. It’s called equity, but they don’t know how to access it. So we teach them and show them step by step, how to access that equity.
Or they have money in their retirement funds and with the stock market going the way it’s been, they’re ready to pull it out. Not because they want to lose their retirement, but because they’re afraid that the stock market is going to lose their retirement. So putting it into something like real estate allows them to have more of a secure investment with a hard asset. Those are just two of the many ways that we show people. The biggest thing I want to point out is that when you are a private money lender, always, always, always. If you’re working with somebody who is credible, they’ll do things right. There are three protections that need to be in place.
The first you need to be listed on the deed of trust that is recorded with the county. When you are recorded with the county, if something happens and they die, it is on title and they cannot do anything to that property without contacting you first. So that’s your first protection. Second, you need to have a promissory note that is generally what gets recorded on the deed of trust. Is that promissory note, it states the exact amounts pay off dates, timelines, all of that. The last one is, you need to be listed as an additional insured on the property. If something were to happen where it possibly burned down, or there was a construction accident or something of that nature then, if you are listed, the insurance must contact you first and make payments to you guys first, because you’re the lienholder, just like the bank, before the other parties. So that’s why you want to be on there.
We want you to make sure that you have all three protections in place. We want you guys to be safe, but we also want you to be secure. We want you to be able to do things right. To do that, you need to learn a few things. So give us a call today at (360) 386-7493. We’d be happy to explain it to you or set up a time with you where you can go and we’ll do a one-on-one consultation. And we can show you how to become the bank and start making passive income. A lot of people are surprised that they actually have money, that they could then turn around and utilize to invest in companies like American Made Home Solutions that pay their private investors very well. Our lenders certainly enjoy getting our checks every single time, and they get much better returns than they do in the stock market. So we want to do the same for you.
People are always going to need a place to live. The nice part about that is if money in the economy tanks, people are going to have to figure out something else to pay with. Stocks, don’t really get that guarantee they may get good returns and things like that. But in times of anxiety and insecurity, these are options to consider.
So give us a call (360) 386-7493 and set up a time where we can talk with you. We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions, give you some assurances, teach you how to do things the right way so that you can be protected and also feel secure in your real estate investments moving forward.