It’s 2022 and we have Google, Alexa and GPS systems to tell us just about anything we want to know, but those systems are only as good as the information they can connect with or as good as the question asked. You see if you ask the GPS system, how to become debt free it might take you to Debiton, Indiana, but it certainly won’t tell you how to become debt free. If you ask Google or Alexa how to become debt free, they will tell you the information based on who has paid for the advertisement space and who’s site has been clicked on the most, but it won’t be a specific road map for you to become debt free. Yet as many folks do this time of year they make New Year’s resolutions, unfortunately many of them are only about physical fitness goals or health, rarely are any of them about financial matters.
For some reason many folks have convinced themselves that only accountants or financial planners should make a plan for finances, but this is a complete falsehood. If we never looked at a map or used a GPS to get to a specific spot, how would we ever get there. If someone showed us, or we used a tool such as a GPS, we would most likely get to that destination. Yet what destination are you setting for your finances this year? Are you trying to help your kids get to college, save for retirement, buy your first house, get those loans and credit cards paid off, how about become 100% debt free?
Many folks never even consider becoming debt free because they don’t ever see how that would be possible. They have no idea what the path would look like because they aren’t using a GPS or talking to someone who’s become debt free. Yet this is the exact thing we should be talking about. If you no longer had $1,000-$5,000 a month, that’s $12,000-$60,000 a year in bills to pay, what would you do with it? That would definitely pay for college, could help take care of aging parents, could help a parent work part time or even be a stay-at-home parent to be there for their kids, it could help provide early retirement if invested right. If you’re a Christian it could mean helping to build new churches, expand bus routes, provide water to an entire village, or build a new Christian school, it could mean providing the time for you and your family to go help a town with storm recovery, or keep missionaries on the field. It would definitely reduce the stress the whole family is under, which is huge these days.
Well great news we have the complete GPS system all in place and it is totally customizable for your financial goals. You don’t have to go get a 2nd job or stay up late stressing and trying to remember how to do all the math. Our customized system works with your current income, and current bills and does all the math for you so you can get completely debt free in 1/3 to ½ the time, including your mortgage. Yes, that’s right you could have your 30-year mortgage paid off in 10 years without having to get a 2nd job and then you could easily build 20 years of wealth to provide for your family. There’s no obligation and the consultation is completely FREE. So if you are ready to make 2022 the best year ever by setting a financial plan and turning on the GPS for your finances so you too can gain your financial freedom, then click here. Let’s make 2022 a record-breaking year, where you take back control of your finances and stop giving all your hard-earned money to the banks, click here right now!