The fourth way that President Trump is able to reduce the amount of taxes that he owes on his income is by utilizing tools that the IRS already put into place. These tools could include a 1031 exchange, a Roth IRA, or a solo 401k. These are accounts that the IRS has already stated anything that you do in these accounts or through these accounts you do not have to pay taxes on them because they are qualified retirement plans, as long as you follow their rules.
Within those there’s even more distinctions so for instance the Roth IRA is a plan that you pay the taxes at the time that you’re contributing the funds, but then you don’t pay it when you withdraw. So if you’re in a higher tax bracket when you’re younger and you contribute that then you’ll pay higher taxes on the beginning and then not pay any on the withdrawal. Some people choose to do that because they’re making more money when they’re in their younger years and they’d rather pay the taxes then and not have to worry about it in their older years when they need more of those funds.
A Roth IRA is also inheritable. So he could have even inherited a Roth IRA account from any of his family members. The great thing about that is remember there’s no taxes taken when it comes out only when it goes in. So if someone had say gave him an inheritance through a Roth IRA at that point he would have then been able to utilize it in investments and grow those funds tax free. So many millionaires across our country use their retirement accounts to purchase real estate. It is a fabulous tool that’s exactly what it’s for, this is how you too can take advantage of all of these fantastic tools.
The secret sauce, the ninja way to compound exponential returns is by utilizing all four ways together. A good example would be, say you bought your home and you need to maybe you’re older and you’re retiring so you’re downsizing to a smaller home so instead of paying capital gains tax on all that profit that you have made on that house because you’ve now owned it free and clear and it’s well over $250,000 in profit, you do a 1031 exchange. That means after you buy your new house, then you take your profit and you do a 1031 exchange into a multi-family syndication with American Made Home Solutions instead of leaving it in your savings account to make one percent interest. The cool thing about this is now that money goes into one of our multifamily deals and you’re oftentimes making double digit returns. Yes that’s right double digits.
Let’s say if it’s a hundred thousand, we’ll keep it simple, let’s say you make twelve percent on your money so that’s twelve thousand dollars so in five years, you’re still gonna get your hundred thousand dollars back, but you’re also going to get sixty thousand dollars on top of it. That’s unbelievable! But then because you invested it with American Made Home Solutions passively, you are already reducing down to the 15% tax bracket, not to mention all the depreciation on top of that. Then you just rinse and repeat. Now do the same thing in all of your self directed retirement accounts and you are creating a legacy of wealth.
This is what American Made Home Solutions is totally excited about! Helping folks reach their financial goals and live more stress free.Everybody can do exactly what President Trump did. It is 100% possible, it is not out of reach you don’t already have to be a millionaire. It is a hundred percent doable, educate yourself, go to our youtube channel, watch and learn. You may not want to be an entrepreneur and nobody’s asking you to, but you might want to take advantage of the passive income or you might want to take advantage of the depreciation and we want to make sure that you’re able to do the absolute best thing that you can for your family and your situation. We want to help you accomplish your financial goals today so be sure click here and when you do be ready to answer those quick few questions and we will get you the information right away to help you move forward with achieving your financial goals today and becoming a multi-millionaire like President Trump.