Feb 27, 2021—We head out to Mesa, Arizona to catch up with Aunt Michelle. We get to enjoy a short visit and she was even able to help me repair my new shirt. Kurt and I didn’t know that certain items are supposed to be taken off first before washing and so it busted in the washer. But thankfully Aunt Michelle is an amazing artist and was able to help me make it look even better than before, note if your clothes have decorative items held together with fishing line, you should remove them before the wash.
We take off to El Paso, Texas to see my nephew who is currently serving in the army at Ft Bliss. He’s gotten even taller since the last time I saw him. The army hasn’t figured out how to bulk him up yet , but I’m sure in time they will. He too is an artist and it was fun to see El Paso through his eyes. We are very proud of him and what he’s doing to achieve his goal of college. Blue enjoyed having someone else to wrestle with.
When we leave El Paso, we had no idea the wind that comes across the plains of Texas, nothing but flat dry land and the wind just blasts through. His arms hurt so bad by the time we got to Ft worth from having to grip the steering wheel so hard and long. We kept looking at the border area and tried to see the wall, but we could not. We landed in Ft Worth, right during rattlesnake roundup, and Kurt stayed just long enough to get some rest, then he was outta there. He hates snakes! We made it to Cedar Hill in Dallas Texas. Where we found a beautiful campground right in the middle of the city. We set up shop and got busy getting some work done, while also meeting up with some of our investors and friends. The first night we were there, we heard rustling in the woods behind us, we thought it might have been a raccoon, but instead it was a local resident the armadillo. Our first experience with one. Then when we were distracted with the armadillo an owl swooped in and grabbed a mouse near our fire. It was great as long as they keep them out of our RV, we are happy for their company! But still no sign of Bigfoot, even here in Texas.
On to Houston, Tx!