Feb 15, 2021– We head to Desert Hot Springs, CA to Sam’s Family Spa Resort . The weather is definitely nicer mid 70’s to low 80’s, but windy like crazy. Guess we should have anticipated that when we saw hundreds of windmills. We were excited, well I was at least, to get here because their pools and spa’s were not chlorinated but in fact natural hot springs so the minerals were very good for you and the deep warm water was great for my hips. While I’m busy enjoying the hot springs Kurt is frantically trying to find a vet with an opening to get Blue’s shots updated so he can go to doggy daycare while we are in our workshop next week, to no avail. I’ve already been searching for anywhere we can park in San Diego and now I have to find one close enough that Kurt can take breaks and run back to let him out.
This leads us to a new conclusion: we need to set up an RV park in San Diego, CA the rates there are for 1 week what others won’t even pay in a month for a stick built house rent, definitely a business opportunity there. Lesson #29 always test drive a route before taking your 42ft RV on it. We decided to explore the hot springs are and try to figure out which way to get to San Diego as well as some possibilities of places to stay outside of San Diego.
We set out for a couple hour drive, 7 hours later we were so thankful we didn’t try to do it in the RV and we were thankful we were our own bosses. We head out to San Diego on a much better path for the RV only to learn lesson #30, not every city sells diesel and lesson #31 not every station that sells diesel is able to maneuver a 42ft RV in. Oh the many stations we’ve seen and borders we almost crossed to get diesel. But oh the many many useful lessons we’ve learned and the places we’ve gone.
We were blessed to finally be able to find a park only 15 min away from our conference and our conference goes fantastic! Blue doesn’t think so because almost every time Kurt is out walking him Blue gets attacked by little dogs that clearly have small dog syndrome and it is all Kurt can do to hold Blue up and not laugh while the little dogs are literally biting Blue’s ankles so to speak. We connect up with some of our investors and friends and enjoy the San Diego area briefly before taking off to Aunt Michelle’s in Mesa AZ. On to the next adventure!