Jan 29, 2021 We are leaving our hot tub resort and heading south down Highway 101 along the Oregon Coast to avoid the snow covered mountains. We are heading towards the redwood forest. We stop in Crescent city and get our first reminder we are in California. They charge us for every plastic and glass bottle as well as each grocery bag, definitely something we are not used to. Everywhere we went there was no parking signs and because it was California all the parks and campgrounds were closed due to Covid19. Thankfully we found a casino that allowed us to park and gave us a free $10 gas card, Praise the Lord!
The storm continued to follow us, but after day 2 here the wind stopped and the sun came out for a brief bit. We were able to explore the Mystery of the Trees in Klamath, CA. This is an amazing area where some of the giant redwoods and sequoias grow. They’ve built canopy bridges so you can walk among the tops of some of the 300ft giants, as well as take a ride on their tram up the mountain through the tree tops. They have great areas to hike and explore the forest both below and up top. Their wonderful native interpretation center is great for helping you discern what you’re looking at. They even had a place where you can get married and commemorate it by planting a redwood of your own.The next day we woke up to stormy weather again, but as I packed to head to Avenue of the Giants for the day, Kurt stopped me and said I think we need to head out. I don’t like the look of this storm. So we changed our plans and packed up to leave. We head down Highway 101 then over to Highway 1 and on to Cameron Park, CA where our daughter and nephew live. We are almost to Sacramento and we turn on the radio only to hear that a large section of Highway 1 collapsed. We were praising God we got through first and didn’t stay or we would have been trapped.
We got permission to park at our nephews office through the weekend, and then he got permission to for us to stay at his father in laws, old house, while we tried to figure out what is going on with the electrical system. While Kurt poured through the manuals, blogs and youtube videos yet again, we were able to have some good visits with our daughter and her two kitties, and our nephew got to face his fear of big dogs. After finally getting a hold of a mobile mechanic, we realized we were paying him to sit on hold with customer service, something we could clearly do. So we sent him on his way and we were thankful for that lesson of affirmation that Kurt had done everything he could have was only $150 and we proceeded to try to call and find a shop that could get us in while we kept praying it wasn’t going to be expensive, like replacing the generator or inverter. Praise the Lord we finally found a shop with an opening in the next week instead of next month. So off we go to Manteca, CA!