For some reason, many of our friends and family have no idea what it is that we do as real estate investors. They think we are just on a permanent vacation. Well let me burst that bubble right here and now for you all. We are busy running 4 businesses and that equates to a lot of work. One of our businesses is an executive rental business. This is where we provided furnished rental houses and apartments to traveling medical professionals, IT workers, corporate travelers and other remote workers for usually 3 weeks to 6 months. Due to the nature of their work, it makes it very difficult for them to get an actual lease for that amount of time, so we happily provide quality, clean, well-furnished accommodations that not only meet their needs, but often give room to some desires. Our units are all equipped with workstations and high-speed internet, high quality furnishings and bedding, and often in convenient locations for walking or biking but still quiet enough to relax and work.

So, after leaving our family after dad’s funeral we needed to head back to Seattle to take care of a couple of our units. We had new management come in that was not well suited for our property, so we had to relocate them. This meant packing up both units, finding new locations, signing new lease agreements, moving the items to new location and even having to put one of the units in storage until a new unit could be found. Since it was already October, this meant we had barely a month to get this done before either the snow or bad weather set in and I would be crippled up with the pain, so time was of the essence. Yet we still had 3 other businesses that we run as well. We run a credit hacking business, where we help folks raise their credit score in as quick as 30 days or pay off all their debt including a 30 year mortgage in as fast as 3-7 years without having to go get another job or provide more income in your business. We also have a single family renovation business where we work to provide more work force housing in the market. Lastly we have a multifamily syndication business, where we provide folks the opportunity to invest in multifamily apartments and development projects so they too can get great returns backed by real estate, but without having to do all the work of finding the deals, renovating, financing, and selling the deals.As you can see, we always have more than plenty to keep our plates full, especially with teams all across the country we coordinate with. This is why we are always looking for contractors, and real estate agents or brokers in many great markets. As covid has drastically altered many things both economically and physically, we have had to be even more vigilant with keeping those team members who are great fits for our team and recruiting new ones who may be, hence one of the reasons we went into the RV to be able to go to our teams and support them better. So if you are calling us and trying to find out what is happening and new with us, please don’t be offended if you get our voicemail, just leave a message and we’ll call you back ASAP. If you can’t be bothered to leave a message, or you think that technology will always work, then you probably won’t back from us, as we have found that technology often fails, signals get lost and caller id doesn’t work in bad signal areas, so without a message we have no way of knowing you called. We want to keep in touch with old friends and new friends, but just like you we are busy too and who knows what time zone we are in when you called, so just leave a message and we would love to get back to you. We thought you might enjoy pics of some of the WORK that had to be done while back home in Washington. We’ll see you back on the road next time!