“It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” We say that but how many of us remember it? When Kurt was buy working for somebody else, his old W2 job, the only time he got to join the family was the weekends or scheduled trips/holidays. So when you only have 3 days off and you have to drive a minimum of 6 hours, without stops to get to see your family, he pretty much trained the family that we only stop for gas or food. Potty breaks had to happen then and then only, no sightseeing, no stopping to see historical road signs, nothing. It was about getting to his family in as short amount of time as possible.
So since I home schooled my kids I was constantly trying to ignite their curiosity and wonder, while showing them how big this world is. So when Elizabeth was in the 8th grade we spent her entire year traveling all over Washington state to earn her Washington state history credit. Of course me being the science teacher, Jonathan loved all the cool creatures bugs and reptiles mostly, we got to look for in the wild, and fun places we got to explore. While learning how to build fires and survive like a pioneer or live like an indian. What he didn’t like was writing the reports on them. We had so much fun, saw amazing and wonderful things and met fascinating people all along our schooling journeys.
Needless to say this is the spirit I took with me as we set off on this RV adventure with just Kurt and I. The only problem is when you have programmed yourself to be one way, it’s really hard to recognize it, step back from it, and decide if you really need or want to stay that way. This has definitely been part of the transition for us both, recognizing our habits, reevaluating, if they are good or needed anymore, and working to make new ones.
One transition that came super easy to me was no longer needing to keep a 2000 square foot house clean. I love only having 400 square feet to take care of. We both recognized how freeing it was to be not so burdened down with stuff. We are better understanding the minimalist view of life and what the apostle Paul meant when he said “not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11. 🙂
As always we have met wonderful folks along the way and Jonesboro, Arkansas is no different. Stay tuned next week to hear about Peggy & Tom Northern.