So we all know the dangers of picking up hitchhikers. But sometimes we don’t always get a say. Apparently the critters know exactly how long the lights take in Florida, or when traffic is at it’s worst. While we were sitting at a light waiting just as we headed out of Pensacola we got a hitchhiker without our permission. Thankfully it was very cute and harmless. But it was yet again another first.
You see we have sat in crazy traffic in Seattle and Los Angeles, and Dallas, but never before has a bird landed on our vehicle and stayed to enjoy the view.
This little critter was more interested in us than the surrounding area or traffic because even when we started moving because it was so slow, he stayed on for another block until we picked up speed. It was almost like he was looking for some entertainment and we provided it. Think back to the movie Finding Nemo and you remember how the characters were all fishes and it was from their perspective of humans looking in on them inside the tank, only they thought the humans were the ones in the tank. We were able to have a brief conversation with it, even got it to chirp a bit. Then that silly old RV security popped it’s head up and the bird went silent, clearly unsure if Blue dog could get the bird or not.
Blue wasn’t sure what to think. Was he supposed to attack this thing that was clearly too close to him or was he supposed to let it go? We started petting Blue and told him it was a harmless Finch, he’s already been trained that all Finches are off limits as he is a Finch and no attacking family members. Sometimes we have to remind him of his last name, but thankfully he can’t tell the difference in birds so we just tell him they are all Finches so he knows they are off limits. So many new experiences even for Blue dog as well. Great adventures and great times ahead!