Snakes, snakes, and more snakes! Wait, what? Why are we going to Texas and Louisiana, they have the most poisonous snakes of any of the states? Kurt says as I remind him for the multiple time that just because there are snakes there doesn’t mean we will even see them. Then sure enough as we are getting dinner ready, Ronda pulls out her laminated card that has all the snakes that live in Texas and then points out which ones she has seen in their yard. Needless to say, Kurt was not walking around anywhere in their yard after that. He was on constant alert. Then Mike proceeded to tell him how they had found a giant snake like 6 feet long up in their attic when they bought the house. Then they told him how they had one fall out of the tree onto their driveway. That was it, he was definitely freaked out. Everywhere we went in Texas they all had snake stories, but thankfully God is merciful and we have never seen one yet, nor alligators either.
What we have seen are some amazing birds from wild turkeys, to pelicans, vultures, various hawks, egrets, blue heron, cardinals, tons of finches and even Spanish mackerel. It was great fun to see the piers loaded with fishermen catching the Spanish mackerel left and right. It was very exciting to see a remora, those are the fish that attach onto the sharks and whales. We have seen herds of elk and deer, even some buffalo. We have even seen many different kinds of dogs, thanks to the many proud pet owners who travel with dogs.
We had such a great time getting to visit with our friends in Lafayette Louisiana and learning the right way to eat craw-fish. To hear their stories of going out on the bayou and chasing lizards, oh yeah we’ve seen quite a variety of lizards as well. It is always fascinating to see new creatures and see all their quirkiness, except the bugs. We caught the most bugs on our windshield in less than 2 miles in Utah than any other state, wait until you see!
On to the sunshine state!