Gators, frog legs, and craw-fish taste totally different in different states. So one of the things we are enjoying is the opportunity to try new foods in new places. We tried the alligator, frog legs, and crayfish in Houston, Texas at Allan’s Swamp Shack, but they weren’t very good. But to be fair we gave them another chance in Lafayette, Louisiana. They were so much better, as my brother the chef always tells me, “it all comes down to the salt” and Louisiana’s definitely had more. We were hydrating for days trying to recover from their seasoning, but it was so worth it.
While we were also in Houston we tried boudain balls and Kolache, which were both tasty. The boudain balls are much like a giant meatball with rice and breading. There are, however, different types of kolaches, but the ones we tried were jalapeno and cheese sausage wrapped inside a yeast roll. They were very good.
Another yummy treat that has been fun to try is each areas local root beer. They all seem to have a different spin on it. Thankfully the south has fantastic blackberry lemonades and sweet teas every where. It was terrible for my waistline, but oh so tasty. The Texas Tex Mex have been very good, not as spicy so Kurt likes that, but fantastic flavors and always very filling. The catfish has been good everywhere we have had it so far.

We got to enjoy some extra time with our long time friends of 25 years, which was such a blessing. The storm recovery we came down here to help with wrapped up the day we got there and the others had no room for more help, Praise God for lots of volunteers! So we were able to attend a great conference with Grant Cardone and some other friends. It is always great when you can network with like minded folks, as well as be a blessing when we can offer our skills and resources to others, so many more opportunities have been opened than we ever could have imagined.
When you’re willing to step out on faith and make decisions that work better for you, you find much more peace and happiness and that is definitely what we are experiencing on this trip. We hope you too are finding more peace and happiness in your life as you seek what is best for your family.