Praise the Lord my sister’s surgery went well! She passed my car ride test and food and liquid test so I’ve cleared her to go back home. No, I’m not the doctor, I’m the big sister, and for all those older siblings out there you know what that really means. I’ve spent way too much of my life in the hospital with her only to have to bring her right back when the doctors are wrong and I’m right. It’s not because they don’t know their job, it’s that they don’t know her or her body like I do, so I learned along time ago be the patient’s advocate and stick with your gut, don’t defer to some degree. So she leaves when I say she can!:-) I’m absolutely wiped after this and we decide to splurge. We found a hot tub RV resort where we can back in and have our own private hot tub at the Turtle Rock RV Resort in Gold Beach Oregon. It is absolutely great and just what my hips desperately needed. I enjoy some amazing stargazing while I hear the ocean waves crashing on the beach. I also discovered the night mode on my phone and got some crazy cool star pics. I’m outside in the hot tub 1st thing in the am. And last thing before bed, normally I can only do 15 mins, but because the outside temp is only 30 degrees I can easily stay for an hour and a half.
After the first day, a crazy storm comes and doesn’t stop the rest of the time we were there. Lesson #4 carry a can of flex seal in the RV at all times. We discovered a small roof leak the hard way. Thankfully it was really small and were able to fix it quickly. We figured out it was due to our heat pumps freezing up due to the weather and water pooling where it wouldn’t normally. This brought us to the next lesson #5, just because the RV park says it has WiFi doesn’t mean it’s a strong signal. So we had to get creative to make our appointments and get our work done. We drove down the block and parked on a hill where we could get signal and got busy, probably the most productive 4 hours we had, lol. It was definitely one of the best office views yet! I love watching storms on the ocean.