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Diary of a Remote RV Investor episode 24
Walla Walla, Washington, even Bugs Bunny knows where it is, but few others do. I grew up there from about age 10, but never really fell in love with the town. It has tried multiple times to re brand itself and redevelop to keep the jobs they have and potentially bring in more.
3 Unexpected Places to find Money to Start Your Private Lending Business
A lot of people complain that they want to start a private lending business but they don’t have the money or capital to start up with. But they don’t realize how much money they actually have.
3 Essential Protections Every Private Money Lender Should Have
As a private money lender, you’ll need to set measures in place to secure that your investment is protected come what may. Three of those protections are really vital and you’ll be learning why they are vital and how to put them in place.
Diary of a Remote RV Investor Episode 23
On the road again, I just can’t wait to get on the road again, woo hee!
Not a great way to start off our next leg of the journey. We had barely gotten 10 miles down the road and we lost all power.
How To Become A Successful Private Money Lender For Beginners
If you want to know what it really means to be a private money lender, be the bank or simply access more information to enable you succeed in the market; this article is for you.
The Diary of a Remote RV Investor Episode 22
Have you ever noticed how sometimes you never thought about something, but instead took it for granted? Kind of like you never noticed how many red cars were around until you bought one.
The Diary of a Remote RV Investor episode 21
Welcome to Denver! We finally made it, a little more frazzled than we would have liked and definitely late for dinner 🙁 My stepmom Penny lives there and we always enjoy getting to spend time with her.
The Best Ways to Use Your Home Equity
The idea of home equity is not to get the money and do nothing with it or blow it. It’s not the wisest of decisions to use on a boat or high priced vehicle that depreciates in value.
The Diary of a Remote RV Investor episode 20
Kansas City, Kansas City here we come! Sometimes when you are traveling you make quick decisions rather than thought out decisions. We knew we needed to meet a broker and walk some properties there in Kansas City and that it was a 4 hour drive.