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Top 3 Value-Adding Home Rehab Projects for Washington State Properties
When rehabbing an investment property, the objective is to add value to the property and either sell it or hold on to it as a rental. Beyond obvious maintenance and repair issues, there are certain projects that are proven to consistently add value – on average almost a 91% Return On Investment (ROI).
The Diary of a Remote RV Investor Episode 39
One of the many reasons people look forward to retirement is because they want to have the time to do more fun things that they enjoy. The blessing of having a business that we can work remotely is that we can pick and choose the times we work and the times we don’t.
How to Avoid Foreclosure in Florida
Just the term "foreclosure" is enough to frighten any homeowner. Besides the impact on your actual credit score, having a foreclosure on your credit report casts you in a negative light with future lenders. So not only do you lose your current home in the case of a...
Selling Your Inherited Home in NC Before Probate
Just the word “probate” seems to stir anxiety in those who are already mourning the loss of a loved one. Understanding how the process works is vital to navigating that process with the least amount of stress possible. Making that more difficult is the fact that the...
Why Invest in Mobile Home Parks in Texas?
More and more real estate investors are beginning to take advantage of a less visible area of investment – mobile home parks. Investing in mobile home parks offers several advantages for the investor – low overhead, low maintenance, cash flow, and lower annual tax obligations.
The Diary of a Remote RV Investor- episode 38
One of the things that has always been incredibly powerful in our business is being a part of coaching programs or masterminds with like minded individuals. One of them that we joined at the beginning of the transition to RV investing was the Kingdom Real Estate Investing group or KREI.
The Pros and Cons of Investing in Distressed Properties
Real estate investors have numerous options when choosing investment properties. Single-family, multi-family, townhouses, mobile home parks, fixer-uppers, and distressed properties are just a few of those options.
The Diary of a Remote RV Investor episode 37—living intentionally
We love our kids, while they are adults know, they will always be our kids. So when it is time to say goodbye for a time as we all walk different adventures, we have our sad moments and then we have our happy moments of talking and planning when our next connection will be, whether here where they are, there where we are, or in the air when the rapture takes place.
Rehab or Run – A True Seattle Story
When considering a property to resell, an investor has to decide whether that property is more likely to generate a decent profit or to become a liability. Will the cost of rehabbing the property eat up any return on investment (ROI)? In other words, should the...