We’ve been doing it. We’ve been teaching others how to do it. And we’re happy to continue to do so. But we want to be a blessing to you. And we don’t know how to do that if we don’t know you, right? So if you are interested in becoming teaming up with us, whether it be for out of state rentals, whether it be for passive income investing and getting double digit returns, whether it be to learn and on the education side of things, whatever it is, you need to get in touch with us so we know who you are. Right?
So many times we just assume people know who we are. I’ve done it for years. I just assume, why wouldn’t you know me? Everybody knows me. But it’s not true. Not everybody knows me, right? Not everybody remembers me. I know that shocks you. It’s hard to believe because how do you forget me, right? I know. But it does happen. So what we want you to do is if you’re interested in acquiring more rentals, but in a market that makes sense for you to invest because of your marketing, your money that you have available, then by all means you need to sign up with us.
You can get in touch with us and let us know where and what you’re looking for or what price points or what it is, right? Other people are interested not necessarily in owning and maintaining single family homes and things like that. That’s not their cup of tea, they don’t want any part of that. But they do want good returns. So those are more of our passive income investors and those passive income investors are going to come to us through a different avenue. So if you’re interested in rentals that would be out of state rentals, turnkey rentals not in your area, things like that, that are fully vetted, all of that, you’re going to want to go to our investor’s list. If you already know that and you’re keen on that, some people have been looking at a market and they just can’t find anything, that’s fine too. Then if you’re interested not in necessarily doing the work of Single Family rentals and all of that, but instead would rather get the double digit returns on the passive side and team up with us where we’re doing all the work and we’ve already got all the systems in place and we’re established then if that’s you, you’re going to want to get our free download about passive investing and questions you should ask.
If you would rather just go ahead and schedule an appointment with us, click this link and you can schedule an appointment today to have a free consultation where we’ll just sit. Talk with you about your financial goals. Determine what it is you want. How we can help get you there. And how you can decide at that point what you would like to do.
Take some time to stop and think about what you don’t know and how it can impact you. So if you team up with somebody that you do know or that you get to know and how that can impact you, some of the best relationships that we have established through the business has exponentially been a blessing to us in so many ways. Not just financially. Sometimes they were spiritually, sometimes they were emotional, sometimes it was a physical connection where they were a blessing in a certain area where we were at. So who knows which connection is going to be for you in your scenario, but you don’t know until you ask the question. And then once you ask the question, you got to take action!
So click on the links above, and when you do, we’ll get in touch with you, we’ll respond back, and we will start that conversation, and we will see how we’re can be a blessing to you!