So, I know Covid time can be very frustrating and disheartening with all that is going on, but please let me encourage you. It isn’t for not. It does sadden us greatly that so many people have lost their lives to that, but through it, we are developing things that we may have needed them for the next pandemic.Â
And because of it, we’re learning and growing from it. And maybe next time, instead of having 30,000 that have died, it will be much less each time. The world has endured pandemics and crises of different natures, whether they were natural earthquakes and whatnot, it brought about better building codes and things of this nature.
In the medical field, it brought about better testing and diagnoses. It brought about vaccines and different things of this nature. So, although the consequences of those situations or challenges weren’t what we would have wanted or planned, it definitely turned out to be okay and even beneficial in some scenarios.
I’m sorry if your family has struggled through the heartache of what happened, but the consequences of the pandemic aren’t going to go away right away as we’re seeing. Many people are being laid off of work. Finances are extremely tight, and different scenarios. Governments are trying to figure out how to subsidize in all kinds of scenarios. So, it’s a bouncing ball. Constant change, constant upheaval and disruption.
Can I get you to just look forward, not back to what it used to be like the day before all this happened, but forward to what a better place it will be after we get through this and on the other side because it will be better. Korea already has figured out malaria medicines and things that are helping their people to respond dramatically and they’re learning so much more about this. All of this is evolving, it is helping us to become better. But I know it’s not easy and it’s not pleasant or enjoyable.
Can I just encourage you today? See the course, hang in there, continue looking forward. I know as business owners we’re all struggling and working through this and trying to figure out how we’re going to move forward and what to do and what forward looks like now. Don’t give up the fight. Keep at it. Keep at it. Keep at it!
We will get through this and this one. I want to encourage you to just continue, share this with others that we all might encourage one another to continue to move forward and into this constantly changing world. Change is inevitable, how we handle it is up to us.