To see reasons number 4 and 5, click here to read part 1. The number three reason why landlords want to have Corporate Rentals/Executive Rentals has to do with being paid consistently. Most people know in the business world that the businesses generally pay their bills every single month on time faithfully. They’re not the ones that forget to pay those bills, right? They set it up in their system and it just generates the check faithfully every single month, time after time.
When you’re dealing with individual tenants and different pay dates and all of this, sometimes they’ll miss it because their paycheck wasn’t on time and they had to pay it after and then you run into late fees or getting behind. You don’t have to worry about any of that with a corporate tenant, you have a consistent pay day that shows up time after time faithfully. You don’t have to worry about checks bouncing, just faithful payments each month.

The number 2 reason is extra marketing. Hear ye, hear ye. Just like you as a landlord, our property management company is marketing your company and your property. You want good reviews, you want positive comments to show up when people are searching up the name of those properties as do we as corporate rental company. So when our units are located within your properties, we’re busy doing extra marketing for you. So our websites and the information that’s being shown is show casing and marketing what a great property or a great unit you have, and that just continues to give you more free marketing that you didn’t have to pay for.
So it’s definitely a win-win for landlords when they stop and think about how much good reviews and positive things come from having a corporate rental or executive rental company on site. Who doesn’t want free marketing? Who doesn’t want somebody else giving rave reviews about their location?
Extra marketing is an amazing thing that most folks don’t realize. Sometimes people get transitioned to a area, they have a job there. This for 90 days, a lot of travelling nurses and IT professionals are there for 90 days. While working there, they fall in love with the area. Well, who do you think they want to stay with when they decide to find a more permanent home? Well, the property that they’ve already been on is exactly where they’re like, “Oh,I love this property. This is great. Let me just see if they have any openings.”
So again, it benefits the landlord when they can showcase their property in a good way through having those corporate and executive rentals on site like American Made Home Solutions, because then they see what a great property, what a great landlord, what a great property manager they have. It just incentivizes them to choose them first if they decide to either extend, which a lot of them will extend or should they choose to make a little bit more of a permanent move to the area.

The number 1. It is flat out to increase their NOI. Now, how does us being on your site increase your NOI, you say? Well, it’s simple, one thing that American Made Home Solutions does is we partner with a lot of our landlords. So some of our landlords want to learn to go into short-term rentals or executive rentals and so they’ll do a partnership with us. When they do those partnerships, the standard rental unit, say maybe is 1500 for that unit, but then they do a partnership with us and we split the profit. They’ll furnish it with our guidance and instructions, then we run everything, we do all of the day to day marketing and operations and in doing so the rental income is bumped up due to the corporate tenant relationship.
Are you as a landlord looking for ways to either get a better tenant into your property, increase your monthly NOI on your apartment communities, or just find some out of the box options that may be an even better win-win for you and your rental properties? If that’s you, click on the link and get on a call with American Made Home Solutions today so we can discuss your unique scenarios and see what win wins we can create with you and American Made Home Solutions!