The Diary of the Remote RV investor – Episode 135

by | Mar 22, 2024 | Blog

So what do you get when you cross a person who loves all kinds of games and a birthday??

You get a crazy birthday party where adults are pooping potatoes and white elephants truly do fly. But I’m getting ahead of myself. One of my friends, whom I’ve been friends with for over 25 years, is just like me in that we love all kinds of games and any excuse to throw a party. So this year was the big 55 and she decided to throw a large party. 

She pulled out all of the classic games we played with our teens at youth rallies or campers at summer camp. Her all time favorite is poop the potato.  No one ever loves to play it but everyone loves to watch it.  This is where you have to carry a potato  high up between your legs across a good distance to then squat down over a bucket and release it then trash your teammate.  If you do it you have to start over.  

She also loves giving gifts to folks so she bought a white elephant purse then filled it with numbers and the elephant flew through the air until everyone had drawn a number.  Then we got to play white elephant and go pick out our gifts based on our numbers. 

My favorite game of the night is the Saran wrap game.  We all have to gather around the table.  Some one has painstakingly wrapped all these gifts like money,  lottery tickets,  coupons,  etc inside a massive ball of Saran wrap. Then 1 person starts dealing the cards until they get 4 of a kind, while the person next to them is using hot pad gloves or boxing gloves and trying to get the prizes out of the saran wrap. Then as soon as they get the 4 of a kind it passes to the next person.  

At times it is incredibly fast, especially when it was my turn,  and incredibly slow like when it was others turns ;-). Either way there is tons of laughter as folks are biting, yanking and, chewing to get through the saran wrap. Even now my silly auto correct wants to call it satan wrap and you feel like that at times because of how frustrating it can be. I didn’t not succeed to even get one piece of saran wrap off only to loosen it for my neighbor who got over $100 thanks to my cooperation. But my cheeks did hurt from laughing so hard. 

Every time I go to another party or event,  I meet new people or get to know others better and this time was no different. I got to know my friend’s brother and realized how much she took after him and got done good black mail material if I ever need it 😁 Good times for sure!!

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