The Diary of the Remote RV Investor–Episode 123

by | Dec 29, 2023 | Blog

Right about the time things seem to be the most challenging. I find that I have a trip planned and the timing seems to be the worst.  But usually, the plans needed to be done far in advance for everything from the airfare, hotel, conference fees, appointments scheduled, etc.  So while I’m feeling overwhelmed because now I’m having to leave and have too much to do before I go, I’m also excited.

I’m excited for the change of scenery.  I’m excited for the people I’m meeting with.  I’m excited for the learning I will get to do.  I’m excited about the growth potential for our business as well as personally.  I’m excited about the weather changes!

This time was no different.  I was leaving Marysville, WA to head to sunny San Diego, California.  Where I was leaving below-freezing temperatures in the 20s to head to low 60s and sunny.  While it was cooler than normal for Southern California at that time, it was still considerably warmer for me.

This location for our mastermind is on a man-made island and it has this great look out tower where you can see all of San Diego and the ocean and mountains with a 360-degree view.  So I made it a point to be up there when the sun rose.  Thankfully someone forgot to lock it the night before because it would have normally still been locked at that time.

Although sunsets are always beautiful, there is something special about the sunrise for me.  Seeing the land come alive, hearing the critters wake up and just being thankful to be alive and see another sunrise.  It just feels so inspiring and motivating to me.  While sunsets feel like a close to something, not the beginning.

As you can see in the next picture, even though I’m wearing my jacket, I’m still standing in the sun at the beach and it is always hard to have a bad day there.  So definitely worth it to me, definitely encouraging to me when I clearly needed it, and a good reminder.  The work will always be there, but the next sunrise may not be.  Take advantage of all your sunrises!

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