The Diary of a Remote RV Investor–Episode 93

by | May 22, 2023 | Blog

And bless them one and all, all creatures great and small.  When you are staying inside all the time whether it be for work or living or whatever, you may not always appreciate what is happening on the outside.  But then when you do go outside, you may only pay attention to the things that annoy you instead of all the things working in harmony.

So one thing that I have learned is that bugs think I am a large blood donor put on this earth for their benefit.  So when I go outside, I am constantly aware of how many biting bugs are in the area.  What I am not always aware of, is how many great creatures are around helping to bless me by keeping the bug population down.

Today when I went outside, I found this amazing fellow.  He was about the size of my hand and just hanging out next to the tire by the front door of the RV.  This gave him a great place to eat any and all bugs that would normally bother me upon leaving the RV and when sitting at the table outside.  I was ecstatic to see him and welcomed him to the whole of the RV Pad.

Once he saw my hearty welcome he made himself comfortable and was with us for the whole stay.  Although, it did not renew my snow white complex, the cat incident will take awhile to recover from, it did encourage me to enjoy the weather outside, which is always better for my happiness.

You see I have learned that no matter the weather, I am always in a better mood if I can be outside.  I have also learned that if I have too many days inside and in AC, I will get more stressed, so by simply going outside even if only for a 15  min walk, this will reduce my stress.  What helps to reduce your stress?  Exercise, getting outside, visiting with friends, reading, a quiet space?  Do you seek it out daily, even if only for 15 minutes?  

LIfestyle by design, while the new buzz word, takes an intentionality that many are just not willing to do.  Many are not willing to take the time to learn about themselves, or do the things necessary to improve the quality of their lives.  How about you?  

Until the next adventure.

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