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Buying an Apartment Building for Beginners
If you are a newbie planning to venture into commercial real estate investing and have an alternate source of income, then I would recommend that you start your real estate investing journey with putting your money in an apartment building.
Why to start investing in real estate in your 20s
Billionaire and extremely successful entrepreneur Warren Buffet once talked about investing early. He started investing when he was 11 years old and he now feels that he started late. if you are in your 20s and thinking seriously about investing in real estate then do...
What is a real estate investment trust?
A real estate investment trust is an investment fund that invests in income earning real estate properties. The trust comprises of various share holders who invest partly in one or more investment properties of the trust and are rewarded with the share in the...
Prepping Your Home for Sale? Why You Should Hire a Handyman
As you get ready to sell your home, you may discover the need to make a few (or even many) repairs and updates – from touching up paint on walls and replacing hardware to fixing your mailbox or repairing drywall. Sure, there will be home repair projects you can easily...
Why Long-Distance Investing Could Be Beneficial For You
Venturing into uncharted territories and taking risks has been integral to entrepreneurship. People since ages have traversed seas and oceans for days, weeks and months to find new business opportunities, discovered virgin markets and reaped the riches of being a...
How Much Money Do I Need to Invest in Real Estate?
Investing in real estate has always been one of the popular ways to earn that quick buck or even waiting for long period to wait for that favourable tide turning your way leading to huge profits. Best part is that in this niche of real estate investing everybody is...
When it comes to real estate investing, people usually prefer to bet on single family homes. They either go in for flipping, upgrading and selling at high prices or wait for the price of the property to increase to an extremely profitable level and then sell it off....
How to Analyse a Multifamily Real Estate Investment
As in any business, it is vital and important to assess your investment in a multifamily real estate, how that investment would turn out for you, investments required, risks involved and the potential profit returns. To ensure the safety of your investment, first...
How To Find Multi-Family Homes For Sale
Real estate investors often seek to diversify their portfolio by investing heavily in multifamily properties, as investing in multifamily properties has always been considered a safe bet even during uncertain times. During times of downturn in fact demand for the...